Sunday, February 21, 2010

Debut blog.....

Hi all....
This is my first blog and hopefully this is not my last :)

To put it in bland terms, I am a Graduate student in US, doing my PhD in Engineering Mechanics (more specifically I am bothered about Vorticity Dynamics). I might not be the best in what I do, but I do feel good about it. Since I was a child, I always wanted to build aircrafts that can reach the skies and spacecrafts that can travel a bit more towards those far-off stars. And, in real life, I might not ever actually construct those machines, but I can always predict the vortices that hinder their motions :)

So much for my professional goals and ambitions..... But, I am not really interested in discussing these things in here (although, I do admit that these would crop up here and there in my writings.....). I wish to write in here the various experiences and thoughts that truble me/ amuse me/ befuddle me from time to time..... :) I would write about my unfulfilled dreams, and the fulfilled ones too.....

Please be patient with me if my thoughts get too self-centric (I would try to avoid that to my best)..... All said and done, I hope this blog becomes an interestin read.....

Cheers all..... :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Go Hokie.. Hopefully you will provide as much entertainment to us mortals as "Sixer" does.

    P.S. no idea how the previous comment got removed.

  3. Welcome to blogging....My blog seems to have stagnated...Its time for you to blog...
